Relines are the most common alteration. Either soft or hard relining material can be used and on average, it takes around 30 minutes in the clinic and 1-3 days in the dental laboratory.

Firstly, the relining material of acrylic resin is secured onto the dental appliance once two or three millimetres of the denture foundation has been removed. Impressions are then taken on the new oral tissues. When the relining material of acrylic resin is placed against the gum, it is still very soft, which allows for the acrylic resin to take the shape of the patients gum before it hardens. It is then sent to the dental laboratory for casting.
Soft relining material may be for temporary use only, due to the patient’s condition which may involve inflamed gums. Once the gums have healed the dental prosthetist may replace the soft relining material with a hard relining material.